Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wish things are getting better but I know it won’t. Why people always expect more and tend to think they are just too perfect never hurt other people feelings – they think they are the only who gets hurt. BUT bile they think that way, in the end other party who tried hard not to be so emotional, akan rase the same way and akhirnye, no one win..things will get worse. Even worse if that one person can’t even say IM SORRY. Is it that hard to say IM SORRY??? I AM S.O.R.R.Y…. both dah hurt, and yet mende xkan jadi if bertepuk sebelah tgn kn? BUT still no SORRY from that fucking mouth. Damn! Ade jgk manusia mcm ni. Sesrious cannot paham. Tried to..

Anyhow, x suke tulis panjang about anything, see my previous posts, x pnh panjang lebar, just sbb I dun like it to expose everything.

Read this from email sent by my colleague. Its true!

‘Many relationships fail because one party tries to overpower another, or demands too much. People in love tend to think that love will conquer all and their spouses will change the bad habits after marriage. Actually, this is not the case. There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that "It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character."

It is not easy to change. Thus, having high expectation on changing the spouse character will cause disappointment and unpleasantness.

It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations..’

Sunday, July 18, 2010


saya baru pulang dari bercuti di jakarta/bandung from the 15th to 18th. yup2 sgt sronok - no work stress, no way to be contacted (xdpt line lgsg kat sane, hp je canggih,tp x pandai gune, ngeh3) so xde la boleh dicari, dapat shopping ( really need it to ubati all the stress n tension). Bought myself a few baju, 1 handbag, 2kain and ade la mcm2lg mls nk list kan. tomorrow will b on leave lg n nk p facial.hehehe dh byk bazir duit pong blh p facial lg. lps nih puase sebln.

@ jakarta :
1. tinggal kat hotel where tmpt tu jd mmg simply tmpt tido semate2 since blk pon dh lewat mlm. driver kat sane pon ngntk2 drive anta kami blk. kasihan.
2. pak andy kate now musim panas, tp mase kami di sane redup je sdap je jalan2. except for the last day mayb pns sket la. berpeluh2 gue jalan konon2 nye nk p naik monas (mende ape ntah tinggi kat tgh2 jakarta tu) tp since line panjang sgt so x jd - bgs jgk,mase tu x sabar nk smbg shopping lagi).
3. makan makanan sunda, padang n x hingat lg 1 tu. tp sunda terbaekkkk!

@bandung :
1. p blk hari je. ad la shopping few things wpon sbnrnye xde perlu pape tp coz dh ade duit so beli je la pape.

holiday yg memenatkan tp sronok!