Friday, May 1, 2009

30th April

30th April tahun ni sgt la meaningful to me coz;
1. the end of filing season.
means the end of having no personal life.reached home after midnight.exhausted.
2. the end of training is coming sooooon
dh x jadi kuli.hope so.

we r the winning team during the filing season. and sbb tu, the whole group dpt mkn at ONEWORLD HOTEL near OU, sgt la sdap, to celeb8 the day. heheheh had fun n pnat sgt3. (mkn free ok!!).

but then, i still not yet receive any feed back for my application. penantian yg menyeksakan. tp i baru anta cv last 3 days. awal lg kan tu make assumption yg xde hrpn???

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