Sunday, January 18, 2009


5 things super-happy couple do eveyday

Daily Habit #1: Talk to Each Other
Happy couples typically say their relationships work better when they can sit down and
gab one-on-one, like thinking, feeling adults. But who's got time for that?

Daily Habit #2: Flirt
Most couples realize that getting intimate every night isn't possible, let alone a worthy goal.Let's put it this way:
"The way I see it, physical intimacy is like chocolate cake. After five days of eating chocolate cake, even chocolate cake doesn't taste that great."

Daily Habit #3: Get Stupid Together
"Life is serious enough, isn't it? Sometimes you need to do something stupid. And if you can't be stupid with your husband, who can you be stupid with?"

Daily Habit #4: Declare Your Independence
So hold on, then: Is domestic joy found in partners smothering each other in obsessive daily rituals?
To make a daily habit of getting away from each other.The point, naturally, is not to make space for each other in that I-can't-wait-to-get-away-from-you sort of way but to pursue your own hobbies and interests

Daily Habit #5: Share a Spiritual Moment
Those who pray together are also more likely to say they respect each other and discuss their relationship together.

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