situation 1:
buat assignment same2, when there are lots of mistakes need to be correct, dia buat xtau. kononnye, time class kena focus on the lectures..BUT then the next day, a BOYfriend called asking her to meet at 9 (class starts at 8 until 10), cepat je dia nk kluar..geramnye..nape ek?situation 2:
ckp orang tp dia pn gitu jgk.
siap bile 'kwn' org tu dtg, diala yg plg sebok skali..
menyampah kan?
mmg sgt2.
pikir diri tu innocent sgt but for the matter of fact the whole house dh naik geram ngan perangai dia. sedar la kesilapan diri tu sket, if nk story, too summary je. PUH-LEASSSSE.
to those who yg terase or tau clearly what am i talking about, sorry if it hurts a lot.
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