Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wish things are getting better but I know it won’t. Why people always expect more and tend to think they are just too perfect never hurt other people feelings – they think they are the only who gets hurt. BUT bile they think that way, in the end other party who tried hard not to be so emotional, akan rase the same way and akhirnye, no one win..things will get worse. Even worse if that one person can’t even say IM SORRY. Is it that hard to say IM SORRY??? I AM S.O.R.R.Y…. both dah hurt, and yet mende xkan jadi if bertepuk sebelah tgn kn? BUT still no SORRY from that fucking mouth. Damn! Ade jgk manusia mcm ni. Sesrious cannot paham. Tried to..

Anyhow, x suke tulis panjang about anything, see my previous posts, x pnh panjang lebar, just sbb I dun like it to expose everything.

Read this from email sent by my colleague. Its true!

‘Many relationships fail because one party tries to overpower another, or demands too much. People in love tend to think that love will conquer all and their spouses will change the bad habits after marriage. Actually, this is not the case. There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that "It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character."

It is not easy to change. Thus, having high expectation on changing the spouse character will cause disappointment and unpleasantness.

It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations..’

Sunday, July 18, 2010


saya baru pulang dari bercuti di jakarta/bandung from the 15th to 18th. yup2 sgt sronok - no work stress, no way to be contacted (xdpt line lgsg kat sane, hp je canggih,tp x pandai gune, ngeh3) so xde la boleh dicari, dapat shopping ( really need it to ubati all the stress n tension). Bought myself a few baju, 1 handbag, 2kain and ade la mcm2lg mls nk list kan. tomorrow will b on leave lg n nk p facial.hehehe dh byk bazir duit pong blh p facial lg. lps nih puase sebln.

@ jakarta :
1. tinggal kat hotel where tmpt tu jd mmg simply tmpt tido semate2 since blk pon dh lewat mlm. driver kat sane pon ngntk2 drive anta kami blk. kasihan.
2. pak andy kate now musim panas, tp mase kami di sane redup je sdap je jalan2. except for the last day mayb pns sket la. berpeluh2 gue jalan konon2 nye nk p naik monas (mende ape ntah tinggi kat tgh2 jakarta tu) tp since line panjang sgt so x jd - bgs jgk,mase tu x sabar nk smbg shopping lagi).
3. makan makanan sunda, padang n x hingat lg 1 tu. tp sunda terbaekkkk!

@bandung :
1. p blk hari je. ad la shopping few things wpon sbnrnye xde perlu pape tp coz dh ade duit so beli je la pape.

holiday yg memenatkan tp sronok!

Friday, June 4, 2010

home alone

tinggal sorg2 di rumah menyebabkan aku buntu. i nk tgk movie legenda bdk xde teman.kesian kn? hahahah. nk p kuar mls. tp nak jgk kuar dari melopong ddk umah. ish3. complicated nye keadaan aku nih.

semlm aku moody.ish3. bengkak btol aku tgh rushing p tanye soalan same 4 ribu kali. ingt blaja pandai dpt 4 flat sng tangkap. ni kan tidak. lg mslh nk phm ade la. expct everything dlm buku. dh tu yg di tanye tu bukan mende besar mcm kalo slh kne buang keje je...mende tu kategori x dela penting lgsg nk banding mende yg lg byk penting.ape mende. school smart, study smart, but not street smart. huhu.ok2 aku tau i mengutuk org. tp sukati aku r. blog i kn.duh~

now ingt after off peak (april peak) ade r kejap dpt mati kn enjin n bernafas. tp mcm xde gaye lgsg. kdg2 rase sronok je buat keje, kdg2 xde perasaan lgsg. tp kdg2 rase mase tu jgk nk blk umh. hahahah.

sng kate : "munira, enjoy kerja kamu. buat je mane yg mampu. buat target tiap hari nak buat ape. dh siap, blah je la. tp kalo x dpt siap n dh lewat sgt, blah r jgk".

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


30th April deadline. TOMORROW???

.OMG.i cannot breath.cannot breath.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Questions that you thought u'd never been asked

If a blind woman/man started hitting on you, what would you do?
~ make a confused face

If your dog peed on your crushes leg, would you be embarassed?
~ nope.i will be so marah like crazy

If you had to chose what your mother would wear for the rest of her life, would you?
~ she can wear anything she wants.

If your best-friend told you that she was going to get a new haircut, that you thought was ugly, would you try to tell her not to?
~ i will let her do so...and be thankful that she realized how ugly she was.

Do you believe in abortion? Why or why not?
~ im not going to answer this stupid question. coz abortion is not in my vocabulary. to me those who do abortion, better live in hell.full stop.

If you were outside and a red car drove by and started shooting up your block while little children were playing outside, would you save the children if it meant possibly killing yourself?
~ i will try to..

If you were walking on the street and you saw a homeless man sitting on a cardboard box, would you give him some money if you had just gotten your paycheck? Or would you keep walking?
~ honestly nope..i will keep walking and pretend that i didnt see him

What would you do if you found out your best-friend stole one of your mom's diamond necklaces?
~ she is in a deep trouble messing up my life

If you get into a fight, or think you might, do you throw the first punch?
~ hahahha nope

If yes, did you know that if you throw the first punch and the person you hit would call the police, you could get a big fine, or arrested?
~ next

Would you smoke if it meant getting $30, or do you smoke anyways?
~ nope. even if it meant getting thousands, i wont

What would you do if somebody that you didn't know mentioned something about possibly killing themselves?
~ somebody that i didnt know? i don care n dun give a damn

Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $150?
~ no

Do you consider yourself daring? Tell me of one experience that would prove that you are daring.
~ i think no

If the war in Iraq, became an actual war where America was fighting against Iraq, would you join to help our nation?
~ nope.

Do you speak your mind? Or do you just keep it to yourself?

Would you ever join a gang because you liked the way that they protected their members and the members families?
~ actually i dont believe in having/joining a gang...

If you had a chance to go speak to troubled kids, maybe like yourself, and help turn their lives around, would you?
~ nope.i dont care

When it comes down to it, do you think you should get more respect or should your family?
~ my family is my life

5 Habits of Happy Couples

1. Reach out. In the words of an old commercial, "Reach out and touch someone..." But not just anyone. Your partner! They'll be sure to thank you for it.

2. Be thankful. Yes, it's a bit cliche, but it works. Eventho give me a hard time about talking about you getting hard... all the time. Still Moving on.

3. Live your passion.

4. Make do. The idea is to be happy with what you have, not what you don't.

5. Enjoy the simple pleasures.


terlalu sibuk.tapi.....kadang2 aku x phm knp kepale2 itu bagai kan tidak memahami dan kemudian menganggap kite tidak buat keje. walhal dia yg p bagi suro bua keje lain knp? aiya, nasib org bawahan.

aku telah berjaya membeli kasu baru bg memotivasikan diri..selepas membeli aku tersenyum lebar hingge ke telinga mcm kerang busuk walopon kepenatan bagai nk gile.aku kesah ape.kasut punye pasal.

ape aku mahu sempena birthday aku yg ke 20 an ni?
1. kasut dari leha
2.kasut crocs dari along
3.kasut jugak dari ibu (telah di reject)

aku gila kasut.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


adakah kepenatan yang dilalui kini menyebabkan kepanasbaran aku semakin melampauibatasan sehingga berkate2 seperti tidak mempunyai perasaan dan kemudian regret? bukan aku pinta tp aku sedar dan paham dan bahawasanya berjanji perkare begini akan bereanti selepas bulan 4. YA BULAN APRIL. kerana ke-stress-an dan keterlaluan byk kerja yg mungkin menganggap kita2 (merujuk kepada mereka yg senasib dan selevel) seperti robot2 bergerak yg tidak ade perkara lain perlu dibuat selain mengikut arahan.perkara begini harus diberhentikan sehingga hanya bulan 4 kerna peak period septtnya hanya sampai bulan 4. selepas itu.DATS IT! dan aku bersedia kembali kepada normal.

aku ingin membeli kasut baru untuk memotivasikan diriku yg melalui tekanan di tempat kerja yg aku cube lalui dgn tabah.ya, kasut mampu aku juga ingin membeli baju wpon ade baju yg blom terpakai...ya aku aku pedulik ape.

mari merepek.=)

Monday, February 22, 2010


Work drive me crazy

People think im insane

Coz work drive me crazy

I talk to myself

In front of the computer

Bcoz the stupid *** don’t want to pick up the phone

Or she don’t know the thing that is ringing is A PHONE

Or she DEAF

Or ignoring




No beautiful shiny days in my vocabulary.

Dead end

Saturday, February 20, 2010

i should have let it go
when everything seems unfair
but i dont
still there in the midst of nowhere
dont know what to do
dont know whats gonna happen
tried to run as far as i can
but seems i was running to the same spot that i was before
still the same place
not moving

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

…dun simply change something that already fix and someone already work hard on it just because a simple/small problem or even worse not really a problem at all…

“I wonder if the past is….”

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Panas hati ku ini. Panas. Why? Huh ok this is y:

1. A called me and told me to conduct something. But, since the engagement is handled by more than 1 person and they have 3 entities, each entities are handled by different staff. When A called me, knowing that the one in charge is not ME, (maybe becoz I am easier to be talk to – maybe okeyz!), I straight to the one in charge n let her know, bcoz I also dunno anything.she suppose to call A and settle them, she suppose to call A to clarify things. BUT instead, she said ‘she called you, then you handle lor’. Its more like hello, she call anyone that she wants, n we internally pass to the responsible party la. Duh~

Monday, January 11, 2010


I have lots of things to rambling but don’t know where to start (always like that) and don’t have enough time to do it also. Some things somehow, cannot be blog, but that’s the thing. – I don’t know what to blog. Ngah3. Yesterday was at the hospital visiting (more like tinggal kat situ) my dad – dia kne operate, but today nk kluar dh, Alhamdulillah. Tp I find out sth : Btol la, the longer u stay in the hospital, lagi trok u skt..hahah.

Erm de 1 mslh now yg timbul – I dh ade blk penyakit M = MALAS. Haiya time2 nak peak ni la penyakit dtg.cannot be like this lor.mslh besar tau.n some more, that B* x dtg plak.aiya she always always like that tau.i think I hate her forever kot.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Azam baru for new year 2010:

1. no more seafoods.
2. exercise at least once during weekend.
3. ilangkan 'extra part'