fuuh~ cuti raya for 9 days dah nak abes? sob3 sedih nye..sure next week byk keje n kene blk lewat malam. tp itula lumrah kehidupan. tp bile dah cuti pjg sgt, momentum semangat buat kerja tu mmg dh lari. aduh. sure skt gile nak bgn blk. tp nk xnk terpakse ma. isk3. kerja2. hari-hari kerja.ni baru beberapa bulan. blom sethn lg dh complaint2. x, ni bkn complaint, tp biasela kan, story mory..bukan sy x suke keje saye ye..=p
raya? mcm my previous post, tp tmbhn sket. ni baru blk dari kampung kat perak. tido kat umah my uncle = rumah tua = our hotel during raya > foc...beraya nak rak, tp xdok dpt duit raye pon xde la mengharap, phm2 tp if dpt best jgk kan? pastu today 1 hari kat wedding kazen. theme dia color2 mcm2. khemah color putih ijau ade sket2 gold, tp pengantim pakai pink, laki pakai pink+white... blk umah, skt2 kaki lenguh 1 bdn rase mcm dh tua sgt pule. gambar raye ade upload kat fb..sile la tgk2..=p
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009

And hari yg same jugak ade reunion primary school i, which of coz i cant go..my twin yg pegi. Sorry guys..maybe next time.=p
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan. lebih2 lagi pada bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini. Ya Allah, kuatkan hati ku mengharungi cobaan2 ini.
aku terlalu sibuk dengan kerja2 yg tiba2 terlalu banyak sehingga x sempat aku bernafas ( mcm mati je bunyik nye). ya, aku separuh mati. huu~
aku ingin berehat kerna esok memerlukan tenaga yg banyak untuk aku mengharungi liku2 perit2 bekerja.
aku terlalu sibuk dengan kerja2 yg tiba2 terlalu banyak sehingga x sempat aku bernafas ( mcm mati je bunyik nye). ya, aku separuh mati. huu~
aku ingin berehat kerna esok memerlukan tenaga yg banyak untuk aku mengharungi liku2 perit2 bekerja.
Monday, September 7, 2009

Me n hadi went to zoo negara (14.8.2009), celebrating our 3rd year of being together..life hv d up n dnwn.we've g0ne thr0 it.pantiecn n love.
Esok keje..mls ke? Eh w boleh malas2.kene keje at least lg 9 thn ok.hua3.
Mlm da lewat tp mata ku msh segar. Bagamimana? Esok tkt ngntk d ofis..sob3.
Happy ramadhan to all muslim.

2 budak c0mel yg bisa membuatkan hati ku berbunga riang.hehe.
Ilyas: mempunyai mulut mcm joker dlm crite batman.n also called as hands0me boy.
Sabrina: ppuan yg begitu hyper active,yg sgt c0mel. Rase nk gigit je.
Esok keje..huu mcm ada penyakit mls tp semangat nk tunggu pkol 5pm coz nk jumpe hadi.dah dkat sebulan x jumpe..wuwu.dia bz..
Mlm kemarin p mkn kat kelana jaya golf club..mknn dia sdap.tp porti0n dia sket.pas2 mlm semlm mkn kat residence hotel.mkn hingge x mampu nk masuk pape dah..
Ok la.kne tdo tp x ngantok.huh.gnite w0nderland!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The secret to success : Your personality
If you are looking for the perfect career, consider your personality type. What do you love to do? What are you good at doing? And, just as importantly, what bugs the heck out of you? Working eight hours a day at a job you're ill-suited for is draining. By taking the time to consider your personality and match it with your online studies, you could be one of those cheerful people at work.
Do You Love to Care for Others?
Do you get satisfaction from helping others? Are you great with kids? Are you one of those rare souls who has a knack for gently yet firmly getting your point across? Those strengths might make you an excellent elementary school teacher.
Teachers guide and nurture children through the learning process and often have a strong influence on a child's future goals, dreams, and self-esteem. Becoming an elementary teacher requires a bachelor's degree from a teaching program and a license to educate.
Are You a Math Whiz?
Do you have the uncanny ability to add numbers in your head? Do you calculate sales tax with a glance? Are you capable of balancing your checkbook in only a few easy minutes? A career as a bookkeeper could keep you properly challenged.
Bookkeepers are responsible for maintaining the financial records of a business. They prepare reports, keep track of deposits and financial statements, and sometimes handle payroll or make purchases for the company. A high school diploma may open the door, and career training continues on the job, but many businesses require their bookkeepers to hold at least an associate's degree in business or accounting.
Is Your Love for Video Games Beyond Compare?
Do you relish finding all the tricks and hidden codes in video games? Are you the go-to expert who can fix problems with video game systems? All that video-game savvy could pay off if you decide to become a computer software engineer.
Computer software engineers design, develop, and test software, including video games. They might work alone or as part of a team, depending upon the project requirements.
Does a Unique Dining Experience Thrill You?
Do you have a taste for the finer things in life? Are you the first to test out a new restaurant? Do you have well-thumbed stacks of food and wine magazines throughout your house? It might be time to throw on the white coat and become a chef.
Executive chefs are responsible for running the kitchen, developing menus, and, of course, preparing delicious meals for patrons. The executive chef might supervise a small team of cooks or be the head of a major restaurant chain. Many chefs opt for career training programs at culinary institutes, and some pursue associate's or bachelor's degrees in culinary arts.
Do You Love to Talk?
Do you enjoy the media and love to follow the top stories? Do you like to talk to anyone and everyone? A job in public relations will get you up close and personal with the movers and shakers.
Publicists are responsible for crafting and maintaining the public image of a celebrity, organization, or business. They draft press releases, talk to the media, and organize both public and private events. The publicist uses every form of media to get their message across, and does so in a timely manner.
Personality and Career -- a Winning Combination
By choosing a job that fits your personality, you've taken the first step toward career happiness. Your hard-earned degree can be your second step toward turning your strengths into a steady paycheck.
Shannon Dauphin is a freelance writer based near Nashville, Tennessee.
If you are looking for the perfect career, consider your personality type. What do you love to do? What are you good at doing? And, just as importantly, what bugs the heck out of you? Working eight hours a day at a job you're ill-suited for is draining. By taking the time to consider your personality and match it with your online studies, you could be one of those cheerful people at work.
Do You Love to Care for Others?
Do you get satisfaction from helping others? Are you great with kids? Are you one of those rare souls who has a knack for gently yet firmly getting your point across? Those strengths might make you an excellent elementary school teacher.
Teachers guide and nurture children through the learning process and often have a strong influence on a child's future goals, dreams, and self-esteem. Becoming an elementary teacher requires a bachelor's degree from a teaching program and a license to educate.
Are You a Math Whiz?
Do you have the uncanny ability to add numbers in your head? Do you calculate sales tax with a glance? Are you capable of balancing your checkbook in only a few easy minutes? A career as a bookkeeper could keep you properly challenged.
Bookkeepers are responsible for maintaining the financial records of a business. They prepare reports, keep track of deposits and financial statements, and sometimes handle payroll or make purchases for the company. A high school diploma may open the door, and career training continues on the job, but many businesses require their bookkeepers to hold at least an associate's degree in business or accounting.
Is Your Love for Video Games Beyond Compare?
Do you relish finding all the tricks and hidden codes in video games? Are you the go-to expert who can fix problems with video game systems? All that video-game savvy could pay off if you decide to become a computer software engineer.
Computer software engineers design, develop, and test software, including video games. They might work alone or as part of a team, depending upon the project requirements.
Does a Unique Dining Experience Thrill You?
Do you have a taste for the finer things in life? Are you the first to test out a new restaurant? Do you have well-thumbed stacks of food and wine magazines throughout your house? It might be time to throw on the white coat and become a chef.
Executive chefs are responsible for running the kitchen, developing menus, and, of course, preparing delicious meals for patrons. The executive chef might supervise a small team of cooks or be the head of a major restaurant chain. Many chefs opt for career training programs at culinary institutes, and some pursue associate's or bachelor's degrees in culinary arts.
Do You Love to Talk?
Do you enjoy the media and love to follow the top stories? Do you like to talk to anyone and everyone? A job in public relations will get you up close and personal with the movers and shakers.
Publicists are responsible for crafting and maintaining the public image of a celebrity, organization, or business. They draft press releases, talk to the media, and organize both public and private events. The publicist uses every form of media to get their message across, and does so in a timely manner.
Personality and Career -- a Winning Combination
By choosing a job that fits your personality, you've taken the first step toward career happiness. Your hard-earned degree can be your second step toward turning your strengths into a steady paycheck.
Shannon Dauphin is a freelance writer based near Nashville, Tennessee.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
- i x paham la y ye bile kite di bawah, kite di pijak2 oleh yg di atas? ye ler... name pon orang tu kat atas, u kat bwh...mmg la kene pijak..ok fine. tp x fair la kan if pakai lepas tgn?..mmg la x fair, dah dia kecut nak ngaku salah sendiri n kne marah, so nk wat camner?
-kenape nye ade sesetengah orang tu, buat salah, dia yg mule tp pastu kate kite ni ntah pape...itu la ini la...benci2..ala, mma la dh dia xtau nak buat cmner, ego, n bongok.
-minggu depan cuti lg...yeay!
-kenape nye ade sesetengah orang tu, buat salah, dia yg mule tp pastu kate kite ni ntah pape...itu la ini la...benci2..ala, mma la dh dia xtau nak buat cmner, ego, n bongok.
-minggu depan cuti lg...yeay!
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