It was like yesterday. I woke up at early morn to sahur and thoughts come through my mind…Thinking of what will I do today, hoping that today is better than yesterday?
Yesterday? I had done nothing. Slept until noon and woke up realizing that I've wasted my time. I should have used those time studying CSP as the test is around the corner. But, this is me. Never put priority in life. Always let the time past by. Never make it worth. I've tried to change, but maybe I don’t try hard or I don’t really want to…always dreaming. Always dreaming to be the best to everyone. But what did I do? NOTHING.
Today, I have plan. (I always have plans, almost everyday I do have plans, even I do have an organizer to organize my daily life, but…it always come out as just a plan). I've plan to go to the library and study CSP. Let’s see what will happen today...=)
Life, have the ups and downs... in my life, I feel like everything going down. It become worse and far worse as the days move on…what will happen if days become a week and week comes to a month…Everything that I do is worthless. Why does everyone never learn to appreciate? They always ask for more. Sometime I’m sick with what people ask me to do, tell me what should I do, can I have my own way? My own life? Why does everyone have to order this and that…and which is worse telling me that I’m wrong. I’m trying to do my best…can’t anyone see that? Gosh! I think it will be better living in mars or Pluto, or any other places that people won’t bother what others are doing. And always correcting other people mistakes and never sees theirs.